规则四世. 理事会

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澳博app协会的事务应由由澳博app协会官员和前澳博app协会主席组成的理事会管理和指导, 谁将是董事会当然成员, 及由大澳博app公会会员按附例规定的方式选举产生的十五名成员. 

第二节. 术语. 资格. 提名及选举 
第一届当选的理事会成员, 五人任期一年, 5个,任期2年, 5个任期3年. As each such term expires each newly elected member shall be elected for a term of 3 years; provided, 然而, 在每种情况下,董事会成员应继续任职,直到其继任者当选并获得资格为止. 除非是澳博app协会的活跃成员,否则任何人都没有资格担任理事会成员. 任何人不得有资格连续连任两届以上的理事会成员. 

第三节. 功能 
理事会应全面负责澳博app公会的事务和活动. It shall have authority to fix the time and place of the annual meeting of members of the 酒吧; to make appropriations and authorize disbursements from the funds of the District of Columbia 酒吧 in payment of the necessary expenses of the 酒吧; to engage and define the duties of employees and fix their compensation; to receive, 审议各委员会提交的报告和建议并采取行动, and the assembly of members of the 酒吧 at any annual or special meeting;to arrange for publication of an official 酒吧 bulletin or journal; to conduct investigations of matters affecting the 酒吧; to fill vacancies, 然而产生, 在理事会的成员中, 或者在任何办公室, 受规则III的限制, 第三节, and in such case the person appointed to fill such vacancy shall hold office until the completion of the next regular election; and to adopt By-laws and regulations, 不违反这些规则, 有序地管理本行的事务和活动. 
