
社区连接LISTSERV 常见问题

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D.C. 酒吧 社区连接LISTSERV mailing lists allow users to connect directly and share information with fellow Community members. Reach your fellow members by simply sending an email to your community’s LISTSERV email address, 无需登录!

How Can I Control the Frequency and Format of 电子邮件s I Receive?

登录 LISTSERV Web接口 (if you have not created a password yet, click “Register Password”). 一旦登录, click on the check box to the left of appropriate Community’s list name(s) to edit your subscription(s).  When you have selected the desired options from the “mail style” and “mail status” dropdowns, 点击更新.

For each community, you have the following “mail style” options:

  • Regular (Default): sends an email every time a new message is posted.
  • Digest: sends one email to you each day, consolidating all posts from that day at 10pm EST.
  • Index: sends one email to you each day, listing the subject lines from all posts from that day. You can reply to the index email to receive the full text of a certain post.

If you no longer wish to receive any emails from a particular list, 在“邮件状态”下选择“无邮件”.”


  • Networking: Introduce yourself and inspire dialogue between members
  • Share a Resource or Article of Interest
  • 提出问题或分享建议
  • Share 领导/志愿服务机会
  • 分享招聘信息
  • 提醒会员即将举行的活动

How Do I View my 社区 LISTSERV Archives?

登录 LISTSERV Web接口 (if you have not created a password yet, click “Register Password”). 一旦登录, click on the “Archives” button on the left sidebar. You will then see a list of the LISTSERVs you are subscribed to. Click on the desired Community to see all posts made to that list.

我的文章在文摘上看起来很有趣! 我怎么修理它?

The daily digests are sent in a “Plain Text” format. This means any formatting such as bolding and underlining, 以及附件, will not be visible in the digest version. (注意原始版本, 包括任何附件, is visible in the Archives) If you are concerned about the format of your post, send your email as a “Plain Text” email so that you can see exactly what your post will look like in the Digest. 在Microsoft Outlook中, you can change your email to “Plain Text” by clicking on the “Format Text” tab, clicking the three dots at the right of that menu, 选择“消息格式”,,然后选择“纯文本”.” You can also search for “Plain Text” in the search bar at the top of your message.

How Do I Change What 电子邮件 I Use to Post to the LISTSERV Mailing List?

To update your email address, sign into globalcors.com and click on “我的账户” in the upper right-hand corner under your name. 在你的个人资料页面, select “Edit My Profile” from the list on the left to update your primary email address.

How Do I Post to the LISTSERV Mailing List?

  1. Open a New 电子邮件 using your primary email address (the one you use to sign into the D.C. 酒吧的网站)
  2. Fill in your subject line and body of the email like you normally would
  3. Send the email to a community that you are a member of using the following email addresses

注意: posts will only go through if you are a member of that community, and if you are sending the email from your primary email address that the D.C. 酒吧的档案. 张贴到LISTSERV时, 你不会收到你的帖子的副本, but you should receive an automated confirmation email. If you are ever in doubt that something posted, you can check your Community’s LISTSERV 档案.

行政法与代理实务: (电子邮件保护)

反托拉斯法和消费者法: (电子邮件保护)

Arts, Entertainment, Media, and Sports Law: (电子邮件保护)

公司, Finance, and Securities Law: (电子邮件保护)

刑法与个人权利: (电子邮件保护)

哥伦比亚特区事务: (电子邮件保护)

早期职业澳博app: (电子邮件保护)

环境, Energy, and Natural Resources: (电子邮件保护)

遗产、信托和遗嘱认证法: (电子邮件保护)

家庭法: (电子邮件保护)

政府合同: (电子邮件保护)

卫生法律: (电子邮件保护)

知识产权法: (电子邮件保护)

国际法律: (电子邮件保护)

劳动就业法: (电子邮件保护)

法律实务管理: (电子邮件保护)

法学院的学生: (电子邮件保护)

诉讼: (电子邮件保护)

公共利益与法院: (电子邮件保护)

房地产、住房、土地利用: (电子邮件保护)

税收: (电子邮件保护)

侵权法: (电子邮件保护)
